NCF Outreach 2017
This year, a team of nearly sixty people went to Nagpur in India to take part in the ninth NCF outreach - bringing the total number of operations performed by the NCF since it’s inception to 1500.
This year, a team of nearly sixty people went to Nagpur in India to take part in the ninth NCF outreach - bringing the total number of operations performed by the NCF since it’s inception to 1500.
Time for another NCF Outreach. 2016 will be the eighth spent working in Nagpur with our partners, the Rotary Club of Nagpur West.
Dr George Teturswamy, founder of the NCF, talks about the Charity's work, the difference it makes, the spirit of the team, and the kindness of fundraisers.
In 2014 NCF celebrated the landmark achievement of performing our 1000th corrective surgery. Find out what else we've been up to and how you can help us achieve our life changing goals for the year ahead.
8 days, 83 corrective cleft operations performed, 83 lives changed for the better. Read our day by day account of NCF's 2014 Aurangabad Camp where we performed our 1000th corrective surgery.
The NCF team returned to Nagpur in January 2014. The demand here is incredible with patients travelling for up to ten hours for their surgery.